Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snow to whoa

So, last weekend, we completed #3. Lots of snow fun and cold, cold, cold. This weekend? Close to 70 and gorgeous. A nice trade but I wish it would stay cold for just a bit longer. Otherwise summer is going to be a bitch this year.

Anyway, after my much needed MNO on Friday, we spent the weekend at the park and out of the house. After the week we had, we deserved a little R&R. Spent Saturday doing some shopping (my fav) and went to the park for a few hours. By a few hours, I mean like five. We had a picnic in the van which D was skeptical about at first but ended up really enjoying and then went back to play for awhile. My bestie and her daughter came by before we left and the kids had a blast playing around. K had a blast napping on daddy. What ever floats his boat I guess.

Today, T got up with the boys and let me sleep in a little. When me and mini lazy (K) got up we went down and got my eye exam done. Got contacts for the first time. Weird but I CAN SEE! Spent a little time looking at frames (I CAN SEE!) but didn't find anything. Came home, and discovered T had lost his keys. AGAIN. Thats right ladies and gents, he has now lost four sets of keys in less than four years. Impressive, no? Needless to say, our planned date tonight didn't go over so well. Spent the first third looking for his keys. Second third yelling and bitching. Third... third we actually had a nice dinner and managed to laugh and enjoy ourselves a little. I did however tell him there is no way he is leaving with my keys tomorrow. Which means no car. So his brother is picking him up for work. Should be interesting.

So, my mission this week is to have things go well for a change. Would be nice. Weather is supposed to be nice so maybe we will get some serious play time in.

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