Sunday, October 31, 2010

Okay, Okay. I'm In.

I debated about it, I thought about it, I blogged about it and then, late last night, I did it. I signed up to participate in National Blog Posting Month again this year. NaBloPoMo. I figured what better way to celebrate RMM's blogiversary than to do the same thing I did last year.

For those of you that have never heard of it or are debating taking the plunge, I highly recommend it. The premise is simple, at least one blog, everyday, for one month. November. If you are blogging regularly, it is well worth it to try. If you aren't, it really helps get your juices going. Your mindset corrected to blogging regularly. It helps you get more comfortable with your ideas and putting them out. Sounds weird but trust me, come a week and a half in and you are blogging about random things to get your day in. Plus, you might win prizes!

Its free to join in and you might win a prize and you get your juices flowing and you build your post count and you might gain new followers. Reason enough, right? Thought so.

Let me know if you plan on joining in! We can band together and keep each other sharp. It helps to have some accountability! Starts tomorrow, so go sign up already.

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