Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting ready!

So, a few months ago, I told you all in a rambly sort post that this fall would begin our "homeschool" adventure. The only difference is I decided to keep him home full time and skip the two day preschool bit. We decided that it might just confuse him too much. So, we are giving our "homeschool" a full shot this fall and then re- evaluating in December and seeing how its working out.

I say "homeschool" because we aren't having a specific schooling type go of it. No lesson plans, no hours, no structure. Its more of a blend of homeschool and unschool that we are attempting here. Following his lead but still having weekly themes to focus on. Still doing crafts and projects with the themes etc. If it goes well, we will probably have a more structured approach as he gets older. Right now, he is just three and already loves to learn about things and how they work and all that so I am not worried about the approach we have.  I am really excited about trying this out. I think it will be good for us to have something specific to focus on and learn about each week. Who knows maybe we will make it every two weeks. Just playing it as it goes.

So, I have most of our supplies in our hall closet. There area few little craft things I need to pick up and I need to figure out a letter board but otherwise we are set to go this coming Monday. I thought about putting it off until after his birthday in September but it seems silly to wait that long considering we don't have anything else going on. So wish us luck! If anyone has any cool sites or ideas to share, let me know! I'll keep you casually updated as we go.


  1. My little man is only 8 months but my husband and I have been seriously considering homeschooling when he's older as well.
    My sister let me borrow her book called "Before Five in a Row" by Jane Claire Lambert. Check it out. Even if you don't use the suggested books in the front it has great activities to do in the back like rhymes, songs, motor skill activities and stuff. It seems like it would be great.
    Oh and check out John Holt. He's supposed to be great in this area.
    I'm sure all will go well!

  2. Sounds interesting - best of luck in your homeschooling.

    Thanks for following me - following back :)

  3. Good luck with the homeschool/unschool. Have you checked out She has some really good projects, songs, books, etc and I think her little boy is about the same age as yours. Also, has some really good info and links.

    I can't wait to hear how it goes.


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