Thursday, November 5, 2009

Of course there is a rawr in the Chick Fil A bag and why wouldn't it be covered in ketchup

Ah, parenthood. Its full of surprises. Or more specifically, parenting-a-toddler-hood. You find yourself saying things you thought you would never say. Things like "don't pick your nose and eat what you find" or "thats not a key and don't stick it in the electrical outlet anyway". Any shred of dignity or self respect you had left after pregnancy and childbirth goes right on out the window. It never fails that a toddler will go right for the thing that you think they will never go for also. Like that 100 pound blown glass statue that they totally ignored the first year of life? Totally irresistible. Thank goodness "you" left it on the absolute lowest shelf JIC.

My toddler seems to be of the extra curious variety. Now, he is not a bad kid. He is one of those kids that is best described as "very busy" (aka wild). He loves to run and jump and climb and play. All the things most toddlers like to do except, well, like hes on speed. Our lives are full of surprises. Some fun, some... not fun. Fun = the time he ran up behind me, tackled me and kissed me all over my head. Not fun = the day last summer I walked to the kitchen to grab a towel and he scaled the dresser to look out the window... which he got open... in under 3 seconds. So, yeah, full of surprises but not the kind of surprises I would trade. Spice of life so to say. Ours just happens to be the extra spicy variety.

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