Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Have Yourself a Merry Christmas

Ho, ho, ho! Its Christmas! The last month has been a whirlwind of getting ready and getting all psyched up for Christmas at my house. We have baked cookies and decorated and shopped our little hearts out. I involved the boys a little more this year than in years past with all the preparations. Needless to say the boys are mad excited about Santa and presents.

I have done more talking to the boys about the religious aspect of Christmas this year than I ever have before. We have talked about a variety of religions and what this time of year means to the people who practice those. Christianity celebrates Christ's birthday, Hanukkah celebrates commemorates the re-dedication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem (this one is over their head), and there are even some people who only celebrate family. We celebrate Christmas because we are Christians and are thankful. D seems to understand pretty well but K is mostly just concerned about if Santa still visits them or not. Typical four year old.

Whatever your family celebrates, from my family to yours, I hope you have (or had as the case may be) a very magical season filled with joy and love.

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