Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Adventure Through Space! at The Center For Puppetry Arts

Last week, D and I got the chance to check out the new out of this world adventure at the Center for Puppetry Arts. Space! was a rockin' and rollin' journey through the cosmos with the band of extraterrestrial musicians and of course the spaceship pilots, Ot and Eema.

I was a little bit worried that D would get bored or that it would be over his head, but he really enjoyed it! I switched our lesson plan during the week to include some build up on the planets and the sun and this made an amazing addition to his learning. We learned about the Earth and all of the other planets first, including the sun. Then we learned about the stars and I actually learned a thing or two myself. Then it was on to black holes and other galaxies!

The mix of shadow, pole and blacklight puppetry was so much fun we couldn't help but dance along in our seats to all the songs and yell out the answers that we knew to all the questions. We had a ton of fun and even learned a thing or two.

After the show, we headed upstairs to make our own Extraterrestrial Hand Puppet at the Create-A-Puppet Workshop which is included in the ticket price. D had fun gluing while I tried to figure out the directions on how to assemble the little guy. Thank goodness there was someone there to help me out or I might still be there. I am not great with following directions.

After we made our puppets, we went back downstairs and explored the museum. I was happy to see my favorite, Sir Didymos, while D was more excited to see big bird and Kermit.

Yet another, great experience and the Center for Puppetry Arts! Space! is definitely a must see for all ages! To get more information on the show and where to buy tickets, you can do so HERE.

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