Its going to be the death of me I swear. We have only lived here since October, yeah, but the problem is we moved in such a hurry, that all of the junk from the old place got moved to the new place. All of it. I found a bag in the attic yesterday of old recycling stuff. Just newspapers and paper stuff but seriously? Seriously. Its insane how much stuff Tommy and I have accumulated over the last 8 years of our lives together. Granted we did have two kids in the process but seriously, we have too much junk.
The last week and a half I have hit the house hard. Cleaning out closets and rooms and organizing and cleaning until I thought my back was going to break. We were up until 2am Saturday night cleaning and sorting the playroom. Its crazy clean in there right now. We got rid of all the toys they were too big for and all the junky McD's toys and whatnot that is inherent to having kids but just generally keeps things messy.Its crazy clean in there now though. We pulled four bags of stuff out of there. So nice to have less clutter! You can actually see there are centers and organization. Things have a place, yo! We were also able to get the giant firetruck climber in there too. It has been in my living room since I bought it at a consignment sale a few months back and while it wasn't in the way, its good to have the space back.
Today though, I tackle the garage. Its scary in there. All kinds of random piles of stuff. Things that need to be donated somewhere or sold at the eventual garage sale or even just tossed. Its not that we have a problem getting rid of things emotionally, its more like we are just too lazy to take the time to take things where they need to go. Goodwill isn't far,but you have to load the car and drive there. The solution is to have one heck of a garage sale but first, I have to organize it. We shall see who wins that fight. My money is on the junk.
I think the trouble is in the fact that I clean like a crazy woman during the week and then do family stuff all weekend. Which is awesome and fun but I need some down time too. With T working pretty much 24/ 7 I get very little of it organically so I need to start making the time. Problem is I feel the stuff in my house caving in on me when I sit down. I'd like to think I am getting closer to being able to just chill with every little thing I carry out of here. Soon.. soon I will be free!
Hopefully it went well! I spent most of last weekend really cleaning out my car (Which it feels like I live in) because I felt like I drove a dumpster. It's been so great!