Monday, April 26, 2010
Music Monday
Music is a huge part of Tommy and I's relationship. Its something we bonded over in the beginning and still connect with now. I will be posting the lyrics to a song and what it means to me every Monday (hopefully). At least until I run out of interesting things to say (Or I forget). Make sense? Feel free to do your own but please link back to me and add your site to the MckLinky below!
Fidelity by Regina Spektor
I never loved nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind all this music
And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart
And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart
And suppose I never ever met you
Suppose we never fell in love
Suppose I never ever let you kiss me so sweet and so soft
Suppose I never ever saw you
Suppose we never ever called
Suppose I kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall
Just to break my fall
Just to break my fall
Break my fall
Break my fall
All my friends say that of course its gonna get better
Gonna get better
Better better better better
Better better better
I never love nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting by heart truly
I got lost
In the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind
All this music
And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart
I hear in my mind all of these voices
I hear in my mind all of these words
I hear in my mind all of this music
Breaks my
Breaks my heart
This song kind of strikes a chord with me in a way I'm not so fond of. I tend to protect myself. Protect my heart from people. I hold back to keep from getting hurt. In her case, she let someone in and got burned. I think that is mostly what I am afraid of too. That If I let go and let people in, that I could get burned. Thing is, I know in my heart that getting burned is part of the story of life. Its part of what makes you you.
Blame my childhood, blame my past relationships. Whatever it is, I really sometimes wish that I could let it go. Not to say that I am incapable of having close relationships, its just hard for me. Hard to trust and just let go with people. Something I need to work on for sure.
Music Monday
Kindness and Karma Week: 1.0
My bloggy friend, Jamie over at Grumbles and Grunts, started this carnival of sorts this week and I decided to join in. Its all about stress and worry and how to let it go. Go check it out and join in! Lets all try to help each other relieve some tension!
Today's question: Is worrying about it and letting it ruin your mood really going to make it any better?
Oh, the things I worry about. From the real threats to the what ifs. Most of which I know the answer to. So why do I let it get to me? Am I hard wired to stress about stupid stuff? I literally catch myself lying awake at night sometimes and worrying about things like if I put the wet laundry in the dryer earlier or not. If I didn't is it going to sour over night? Should I go check or not worry about it? Then I fret for half an hour over it and end up getting up to check only to remember half way to the laundry room I had done it hours ago. Or I worry about my boys or T while he is at work or my sister that lives so far away. What if the car breaks down on vacation? What if T gets fired? What if nobody really likes me? What if we all get smashed by a huge asteroid in our sleep??
So then we get back to the question at hand. Does it make anything better? Nope. I know that. Things are what they are for the most part and stress usually only makes the bad times worse. I know for me at least, the more stressed I am, the more mistakes I make which only causes more stress. Stress that could have been avoided in the first place. Why do I do that to myself??
What I really need to work on is letting things go. Less dwelling on the worries and more focusing on the NOW. My boys aren't going to stay little forever. They won't ever be two and seven months again. I need to redirect my energy to enjoying every last second of their childhood. I love it now, but imagine how much more awesome it could be if I didn't spend so much time worrying about often inane and worthless troubles. I love these boys more than life itself and I want to be able to focus on making them enjoy life as much as possible. How can I do that if I am constantly wrapped up in my own troubles.
So here is my pledge. I am going to start talking myself through things and finding the positive in every situation. Or at least try. I remember a line from the show Dharma and Greg where they were talking about bad things in your mind. Ok, well, I don't remember the exact line, but the gist was to put things in a bubble and let it float away. So, that is what I will try to do. When something starts getting to me, I will blow it into that imaginary bubble and then let it go. Sounds corny as hell but I think it may help me out some to have have a physical means of "letting it go". Heres to trying!
What I really need to work on is letting things go. Less dwelling on the worries and more focusing on the NOW. My boys aren't going to stay little forever. They won't ever be two and seven months again. I need to redirect my energy to enjoying every last second of their childhood. I love it now, but imagine how much more awesome it could be if I didn't spend so much time worrying about often inane and worthless troubles. I love these boys more than life itself and I want to be able to focus on making them enjoy life as much as possible. How can I do that if I am constantly wrapped up in my own troubles.
So here is my pledge. I am going to start talking myself through things and finding the positive in every situation. Or at least try. I remember a line from the show Dharma and Greg where they were talking about bad things in your mind. Ok, well, I don't remember the exact line, but the gist was to put things in a bubble and let it float away. So, that is what I will try to do. When something starts getting to me, I will blow it into that imaginary bubble and then let it go. Sounds corny as hell but I think it may help me out some to have have a physical means of "letting it go". Heres to trying!
So, everyone tells you that your body will never be the same after kids. After all, you grow a human, right? Makes sense. Most of the changes I expected. The loose skin, the stretch marks, the wider hips. Its okay though, they are so worth it. (If you get squeamish talking body stuff, you might stop here). What weirds me out is the weird bone popping it seems to have caused. I seem to creak and crack in places that I didn't even know I were possible. Did you know your sternum could pop? I didn't. Mine does though. At least now it does. Its not something I dealt with before kids. I actually went as far as to call my midwife about it the other day. I was really freaked out here people. She calmly explained that since my chest cavity had expanded during pregnancy that sometimes it has a hard time closing back up and air gets trapped and thats when I stopped listening. Eww, gross Simone.
Then there is the nerve or muscle or whatever it is in my extreme lower back that gets all out of whack occasionally. Its in a spot somewhere in my pelvis and it makes my whole lower back hurt. This is not a sciatic nerve thing. I have that too, but it can usually get that one to wiggle back into place and it stops hurting.
So, what kind of weirdness did your kids do to your body? Or am I the only one with weirdness??
Then there is the nerve or muscle or whatever it is in my extreme lower back that gets all out of whack occasionally. Its in a spot somewhere in my pelvis and it makes my whole lower back hurt. This is not a sciatic nerve thing. I have that too, but it can usually get that one to wiggle back into place and it stops hurting.
So, what kind of weirdness did your kids do to your body? Or am I the only one with weirdness??
An Update
I'm not sure if anyone remembers the lady that I met in the Irish Pub here in town a bit back. I just thought I would let you all know, that I did hear back from her. She called me early last week and told me that she had found my phone number on the napkin in her purse and decided to give me a call*. The good news: She is still nursing! She said she had finally told her husband to shut it and he pretty much had. She said he still wasn't what she would call supportive but that he at least wasn't as ugly to her anymore. She said her family had sort of laid off too. They mostly just don't mention anything "feeding the baby" related to her at all and it has been working out pretty well that way. They finally stopped dropping by with supplies, too.
The bad news: With all the stress and returning to work, her supply dropped quite a bit. She said she still had a little bit of milk in her freezer but she just wasn't pumping enough. I gave her the name of a few things that should help her boost her supply in general and shared some tips on improving what she gets from pumping but I also gave her the name of my lactation consultant supervisor and told her to try to get in touch with her. She mentioned thinking about supplementing with formula until she got it back up and I agreed. You can't let your baby starve, but I encouraged her to not give up on pumping unless she was ready to be done nursing and she said she would do everything she could.
So, thats it. Things are looking up for her! That is great news to me! Even with the impending threat of supplementation (which she doesn't want to do btw, its not just me being all crazy). I told her she was welcome to call me anytime and invited her to our playgroup but something tells me I won't hear from her again. Maybe it was something in the way she said bye or maybe its just the inevitable cycle I already see coming. If I do, though, I'll let you know!
(*I did ask her about blogging this and she said it was fine, just not to use her name.)
The bad news: With all the stress and returning to work, her supply dropped quite a bit. She said she still had a little bit of milk in her freezer but she just wasn't pumping enough. I gave her the name of a few things that should help her boost her supply in general and shared some tips on improving what she gets from pumping but I also gave her the name of my lactation consultant supervisor and told her to try to get in touch with her. She mentioned thinking about supplementing with formula until she got it back up and I agreed. You can't let your baby starve, but I encouraged her to not give up on pumping unless she was ready to be done nursing and she said she would do everything she could.
So, thats it. Things are looking up for her! That is great news to me! Even with the impending threat of supplementation (which she doesn't want to do btw, its not just me being all crazy). I told her she was welcome to call me anytime and invited her to our playgroup but something tells me I won't hear from her again. Maybe it was something in the way she said bye or maybe its just the inevitable cycle I already see coming. If I do, though, I'll let you know!
(*I did ask her about blogging this and she said it was fine, just not to use her name.)
Babywearing FTW,
Breast Is Best,
On Attachment Parenting
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday Follow
Welcome to the April 2 Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:
- * Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky HERE. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.
- * Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.
- * Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
- * Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like
- * Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow
- * Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow
The list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.
As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!
Friday Follower of the Week!
Congratulations to Mommy Living the Life of Riley , this week's Friday Follower of the Week! Each week we will randomly draw from all the links, one Friday Follower for the next week's Friday Follow, and the chosen blog will be placed in the highly coveted number 4 position on the blog hop. We love your participation and want to give back to you! You could be next!
Friday Follower of the Week!
Congratulations to Mommy Living the Life of Riley , this week's Friday Follower of the Week! Each week we will randomly draw from all the links, one Friday Follower for the next week's Friday Follow, and the chosen blog will be placed in the highly coveted number 4 position on the blog hop. We love your participation and want to give back to you! You could be next!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Latest Adventure
So, guess I am what you could call a serial blogger. I currently have six personal bloggys (four are family only, don't go looking). A few weeks back, my bestie approached me about building a new bloggy website the would be a community calendar. A place for local moms to come and find out about events and find reviews for local shops and all that jazz. WE went back and forth for awhile and decided to go for it.
She did all the awesome template design and code and all that technical stuff that is literally beyond me and another of our friends did all the graphical stuff for us and behold! Atlanta Moms on the Move was born! It launched a couple of days ago and so far traffic has been really good. We have a Facebook fan page too and it has more fans (or likes) than I would have thought we would in this short of a time frame.
So, lets hope that things stay busy and we get it up and going quickly. If you know anyone in the Atlanta area, send them our way! Even if you don't, come check us out and let us know if there is anything you see that could make us better. There is a link over --> there too if you get lost. Tally-ho!
She did all the awesome template design and code and all that technical stuff that is literally beyond me and another of our friends did all the graphical stuff for us and behold! Atlanta Moms on the Move was born! It launched a couple of days ago and so far traffic has been really good. We have a Facebook fan page too and it has more fans (or likes) than I would have thought we would in this short of a time frame.
So, lets hope that things stay busy and we get it up and going quickly. If you know anyone in the Atlanta area, send them our way! Even if you don't, come check us out and let us know if there is anything you see that could make us better. There is a link over --> there too if you get lost. Tally-ho!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Here I sit.
I have a million things I should be doing. Am I doing them? Well, obviously not silly. Look back at the title of this post. I even posted yesterday about all the things I should be doing and I am not so proud to admit that I have yet to do a single thing that I mentioned in that post. Yep, thats me. Captain responsibility.
Thing is though, I get so tired of being the "responsible one". The "mommy". Now, don't get me wrong. I love my kids, I love my husband, I love my family. In fact I spend most of my time playing with and snuggling them which is probably why I get nothing done. I just get tired of doing things sometimes. You know, the laundry, the cleaning, the cooking. Blah, blah, blah. Not even just the physical stuff either though. The general hand holding gets me too. Reminding T eight million times to do the simplest thing or listening to my mother go on and on about some inane trouble again. Being the only one that ever knows where anything is in the entire house. I can't even tell you how many times T asks me where something is a day. Usually something that he was in charge of to begin with and usually before he even really looks for it. Am I the only woman that is supposed to have a radar that can pinpoint anything and every thing that someone is looking for?
So, sometimes I just need a break. A break from reality. A break from responsibilities and thought process. Usually I get that time while T bathes the boys and puts them to bed but somedays that hour just isn't enough. Days like today. Where I just kind of shut down. I take care of the boys but thats really pretty much it for the day. I know, I know. I am so lucky to get to stay at home with my babies and I should cherish every second of playing housewife and all that. I do cherish every second I spend with my boys people. Its everything else that gets tedious. I have never been particularly domestic. I keep thinking that one day it will catch me in a dark alley, kick my ass and I will learn my lesson but so far I have evaded the domestication process.
Anyway, someone tell me I am not the only one who ever feels this way... Right??
Thing is though, I get so tired of being the "responsible one". The "mommy". Now, don't get me wrong. I love my kids, I love my husband, I love my family. In fact I spend most of my time playing with and snuggling them which is probably why I get nothing done. I just get tired of doing things sometimes. You know, the laundry, the cleaning, the cooking. Blah, blah, blah. Not even just the physical stuff either though. The general hand holding gets me too. Reminding T eight million times to do the simplest thing or listening to my mother go on and on about some inane trouble again. Being the only one that ever knows where anything is in the entire house. I can't even tell you how many times T asks me where something is a day. Usually something that he was in charge of to begin with and usually before he even really looks for it. Am I the only woman that is supposed to have a radar that can pinpoint anything and every thing that someone is looking for?
So, sometimes I just need a break. A break from reality. A break from responsibilities and thought process. Usually I get that time while T bathes the boys and puts them to bed but somedays that hour just isn't enough. Days like today. Where I just kind of shut down. I take care of the boys but thats really pretty much it for the day. I know, I know. I am so lucky to get to stay at home with my babies and I should cherish every second of playing housewife and all that. I do cherish every second I spend with my boys people. Its everything else that gets tedious. I have never been particularly domestic. I keep thinking that one day it will catch me in a dark alley, kick my ass and I will learn my lesson but so far I have evaded the domestication process.
Anyway, someone tell me I am not the only one who ever feels this way... Right??
The way my mind works
Monday, April 19, 2010
Music Monday
Music is a huge part of Tommy and I's relationship. Its something we bonded over in the beginning and still connect with now. I will be posting the lyrics to a song and what it means to me every Monday (hopefully). At least until I run out of interesting things to say (Or I forget). Make sense? Feel free to do your own but please link back to me and add your site to the MckLinky below!
From Where You Are by Lifehouse
From Where You Are - Lifehouse
So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us world's apart
And I miss you
Yeah, I miss you
So far away from where you are
I'm standing underneath the stars
And I wish you were here
I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here
I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here
I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here
So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us world's apart
And I miss you
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here
This song reminds me of my maternal Grandmother. She was an amazing woman. Strong and smart. She was the kind of woman that everyone could look up too. She could be stubborn as all get out but she knew how to get what she wanted or needed. She went through a not so pleasant divorce when we were very small and moved into an apartment in Chattanooga, TN a little while later. I have more memories of that apartment and the summers we spent with her than I have of most of my childhood. She always knew how to have fun and what to say. As my sister and I got older and moved all around the country, we were always excited to get back to Chattanooga to see our grandmother. She supported us when my parents went through their divorce and was just generally always there.
When T and I first got together, my grandmother started getting sick. She went through so many tests and diagnoses and treatments. It seemed like it was something different every month. She was treated for pneumonia over and over but never got better. Finally the summer after we got together, they did a lung biopsy and discovered she had non hodgkin's lymphoma. She passed away a little less than two weeks later. Those two weeks were a blur for all of us. She deteriorated at an alarming rate in front of our eyes.
I think about her all the time. I think about what she would have thought, or done, or said about certain things and situations. I talk to her in my mind and ask "what do I do now?". She would have known exactly how to answer. I wish she could have met my babies. She would have loved them to pieces just like I do. I wish she were here...
Music Monday
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thats me. Yep, I have officially been too busy to bloggy. So sue me. So lets see, since we last "talked" I can't really remember what all has happened around here so here is whats up right now. K's baptism was today. We aren't religious people but I do believe in dedicating your baby so thats what we did. It was beautiful. K was all fancied up in his little baby tuxedo (complete with tails and a cumberbund) and he did awesome during the ceremony. D liked seeing his brother up on the big screen but wasn't so sure about the crowd so I had to hold him. I didn't even notice the crowd though, just my beautiful little man. When it was over, we all went to lunch and caught up with the few people that came. That was nice too.
After naps and all that jazz we went out and washed the car as a family and that was a blast. D had more fun washing himself than the car though so we ended up having to hose him off and he kept yelling "Sorry Mama!". I guess he thought he was in trouble. Little goober. All was good after he got to jump in the puddles for awhile though. We went to dinner and got ice cream too so he went to bed a happy toddler.
In other news, tonight was the first time ever that D has ever actually eaten an ice cream cone. He has never been much of a sweets kind of kid. He will usually eat a bite of something and then be off to climb and/ or generally terrorize something. Tonight though, he sat and ate his ice cream cone. First he ate the top part off and then ate the cone off the bottom, letting the melting ice cream drip out from both ends all over his lap. So, he got another tubby when we got home. C'est la vie.
This week I have really got to get started planning and packing for vacation. Our little family of four is going to the beach two weeks from tomorrow and I have not done the first thing to start preparing for it. If you know me, thats weird. I am usually a huge planner when it comes to vacations. I would normally be almost packed by this point. I really need to make sure T and I have swimsuits that fit and make sure we have a suitcase that will hold all our stuff and stock up on some snacks for the car and look around for attractions in the area and... ugh. You get the point.
Also this week we have to find something for T to drive. I don't remember if I mentioned it or not but T totaled his car a few weeks ago. Didn't wreck it, just blew up the engine. Turned out the coolant levels he insisted he checked were not actually the coolant levels. If you are keeping track, that is the second car this family has totaled in two months. Yay us? Anyway, he had a work truck for awhile but they needed it back for swarm season and he has been driving my van for work and that is just not working out for me. Being stuck here all the time is not my idea of fun. I am a go, go, go kind of person. We have a couple of different options right now. None of them really ideal but they will get him to work and back (hopefully) and me back in my van for the time being. Top priority I'm telling you.
Speaking of, I have to go Tuesday too and pick up the new remote for my van. See, when we went to pick up D from preschool on Thursday, I made the mistake of setting my keys down on the table to take D to the potty before we left his room and that was the last time I saw them. Came back out, went down to my mothers room, realized they were missing, went back to get them, gone. GONE. We tore that room and every where in between apart. There was one little girl in the classroom when I went to take D potty so we figure she must have run off with them. I called her mother and she said she had not seen them but would "keep an eye out". Which I think is code for "yeah, right. I'm not looking for shit. sucks for you". So, we were either stuck at his preschool for five hours with both boys and no diapers (yay us??) or we could borrow my mothers car, spread the boys out across two houses so they could nap and T could sit with the van. Obviously, we chose the second option. Finally, a locksmith came around and made us our new super duper electronic chipped security specialty key for, I think, about what we paid for the van. Seriously, don't lose your electronic key people. T'was a very long day which ended in getting yelled at by my mother because she got a ticket on the way home from our house for an expired tag. Still not sure how that happened to be my fault, but whatever.
So, anyway, went to the dealership the next day to get a spare key and new remote for the van. Whats power doors and gates with no remote to work them? They ended up taking pity on us and giving us a great deal on two remotes and a key so I guess it worked out in the end. Still have to go pick up the other remote though. And T isn't allowed to touch it. Even though this time it wasn't exactly his fault.
The boys are doing good though. D needs a haircut. Add that to the to do before vacation list I guess. He is what I would call, 95% potty trained. He has the pee thing down pat. He tells us when he needs to go, stays dry except at night and all that. He is finally getting over not wanting to go potty in public though. Actually, he went several times today. He has been just holding it until we got home. The number two thing is trickier though. He just holds it until nap time when we put a diaper on him. The little goober. Its totally a relief to think that soon I won't have to worry about diapers for him anymore. Just the little monkey in diapers.
I decided last week to start home/ unschooling him in the fall too so I have been doing a lot of research and planning for that. He is still signed up for two days of preschool right now too but that may change still. D is very smart and I think he would really benefit from different learning experiences. I decided to wait until fall mostly because I am still of the belief that before the age of three their learning should still be totally natural play based. If anyone has any resources they would like to share, I'd love to check them out!
The little one is getting big too. K is that is. His little personality has really started to shine through in the last few weeks. He is such a little charmer. He has developed what we, around here, call squishy face. D did the same thing at this age. He squishes up his eyes and nose and grins really big. K's addition is the sound he makes when doing it. "Eeeeeeeeeeee" he says. Its too flipping cute. No one he turns it on can resist him. He had been eating like a horse the last few days too so I think he must be growing. He is such a little peanut. I love it. D was a big baby. Always 100th + on the percentiles chart. K is more like about 60-75th so you can imagine how tiny he seems to me. I was always a small baby too though. I got my growth at puberty and outgrew my entire family in like two months. You think I'm kidding but I'm not. Anyway, I think he is just doing the same thing. He is thriving and hitting milestones early so I know he is healthy. Plus, you look at those chunky thighs and now hes all good.
So thats us right now. This coming weekend there is another Touch a Truck event and I think we are going to try to make it out to that too. First though I have got to get this vacation stuff moving! So, off I go to research. Wish me luck!
After naps and all that jazz we went out and washed the car as a family and that was a blast. D had more fun washing himself than the car though so we ended up having to hose him off and he kept yelling "Sorry Mama!". I guess he thought he was in trouble. Little goober. All was good after he got to jump in the puddles for awhile though. We went to dinner and got ice cream too so he went to bed a happy toddler.
In other news, tonight was the first time ever that D has ever actually eaten an ice cream cone. He has never been much of a sweets kind of kid. He will usually eat a bite of something and then be off to climb and/ or generally terrorize something. Tonight though, he sat and ate his ice cream cone. First he ate the top part off and then ate the cone off the bottom, letting the melting ice cream drip out from both ends all over his lap. So, he got another tubby when we got home. C'est la vie.
This week I have really got to get started planning and packing for vacation. Our little family of four is going to the beach two weeks from tomorrow and I have not done the first thing to start preparing for it. If you know me, thats weird. I am usually a huge planner when it comes to vacations. I would normally be almost packed by this point. I really need to make sure T and I have swimsuits that fit and make sure we have a suitcase that will hold all our stuff and stock up on some snacks for the car and look around for attractions in the area and... ugh. You get the point.
Also this week we have to find something for T to drive. I don't remember if I mentioned it or not but T totaled his car a few weeks ago. Didn't wreck it, just blew up the engine. Turned out the coolant levels he insisted he checked were not actually the coolant levels. If you are keeping track, that is the second car this family has totaled in two months. Yay us? Anyway, he had a work truck for awhile but they needed it back for swarm season and he has been driving my van for work and that is just not working out for me. Being stuck here all the time is not my idea of fun. I am a go, go, go kind of person. We have a couple of different options right now. None of them really ideal but they will get him to work and back (hopefully) and me back in my van for the time being. Top priority I'm telling you.
Speaking of, I have to go Tuesday too and pick up the new remote for my van. See, when we went to pick up D from preschool on Thursday, I made the mistake of setting my keys down on the table to take D to the potty before we left his room and that was the last time I saw them. Came back out, went down to my mothers room, realized they were missing, went back to get them, gone. GONE. We tore that room and every where in between apart. There was one little girl in the classroom when I went to take D potty so we figure she must have run off with them. I called her mother and she said she had not seen them but would "keep an eye out". Which I think is code for "yeah, right. I'm not looking for shit. sucks for you". So, we were either stuck at his preschool for five hours with both boys and no diapers (yay us??) or we could borrow my mothers car, spread the boys out across two houses so they could nap and T could sit with the van. Obviously, we chose the second option. Finally, a locksmith came around and made us our new super duper electronic chipped security specialty key for, I think, about what we paid for the van. Seriously, don't lose your electronic key people. T'was a very long day which ended in getting yelled at by my mother because she got a ticket on the way home from our house for an expired tag. Still not sure how that happened to be my fault, but whatever.
So, anyway, went to the dealership the next day to get a spare key and new remote for the van. Whats power doors and gates with no remote to work them? They ended up taking pity on us and giving us a great deal on two remotes and a key so I guess it worked out in the end. Still have to go pick up the other remote though. And T isn't allowed to touch it. Even though this time it wasn't exactly his fault.
The boys are doing good though. D needs a haircut. Add that to the to do before vacation list I guess. He is what I would call, 95% potty trained. He has the pee thing down pat. He tells us when he needs to go, stays dry except at night and all that. He is finally getting over not wanting to go potty in public though. Actually, he went several times today. He has been just holding it until we got home. The number two thing is trickier though. He just holds it until nap time when we put a diaper on him. The little goober. Its totally a relief to think that soon I won't have to worry about diapers for him anymore. Just the little monkey in diapers.
I decided last week to start home/ unschooling him in the fall too so I have been doing a lot of research and planning for that. He is still signed up for two days of preschool right now too but that may change still. D is very smart and I think he would really benefit from different learning experiences. I decided to wait until fall mostly because I am still of the belief that before the age of three their learning should still be totally natural play based. If anyone has any resources they would like to share, I'd love to check them out!
The little one is getting big too. K is that is. His little personality has really started to shine through in the last few weeks. He is such a little charmer. He has developed what we, around here, call squishy face. D did the same thing at this age. He squishes up his eyes and nose and grins really big. K's addition is the sound he makes when doing it. "Eeeeeeeeeeee" he says. Its too flipping cute. No one he turns it on can resist him. He had been eating like a horse the last few days too so I think he must be growing. He is such a little peanut. I love it. D was a big baby. Always 100th + on the percentiles chart. K is more like about 60-75th so you can imagine how tiny he seems to me. I was always a small baby too though. I got my growth at puberty and outgrew my entire family in like two months. You think I'm kidding but I'm not. Anyway, I think he is just doing the same thing. He is thriving and hitting milestones early so I know he is healthy. Plus, you look at those chunky thighs and now hes all good.
So thats us right now. This coming weekend there is another Touch a Truck event and I think we are going to try to make it out to that too. First though I have got to get this vacation stuff moving! So, off I go to research. Wish me luck!
The way my mind works
Monday, April 12, 2010
Some pictures from the weekend
We spent our weekend just hanging around various places as a family. It was such a welcome break from the blahs. I will spare you the play by play like I usually give and show you some of my favorite moments. I took over 300 pictures this week end though so bear with me.
Life in Pictures
Music Monday
Music is a huge part of Tommy and I's relationship. Its something we bonded over in the beginning and still connect with now. I will be posting the lyrics to a song and what it means to me every Monday (hopefully). At least until I run out of interesting things to say (Or I forget). Make sense? Feel free to do your own but please link back to me and add your site to the MckLinky below!
Telephone by Lady Gaga
Hello, baby; you called
I can't hear a thing
I have got no service in the club you say, say
Wa-wa-what did you say?
Huh?; You're breaking up on me
Sorry; I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry; I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy
Just a second; it's my favorite song they're gonna play and I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh?
You shoulda made some plans with me; you knew that I was free
And now you won't stop calling me
I'm kinda busy
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I left my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin'', stop callin; I don't wanna talk anymore!; I left my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Can call all you want but there's no one home and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
Call when you want but there's no one home
and you're not gonna reach my telephone
Out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
Boy the way you blowin' up my phone won't make me leave no faster, put my coat on faster, leave my girls no faster.
I shoulda left my phone at home 'cause this is a disaster!
Callin' like a collector
Sorry: I cannot answer!
Not that I don't like you: I'm just at a party
And I am sick and tired of my phone ri-ringing
Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station
Tonight I'm not takin no calls 'cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls 'cause I'll be dancin!
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna talk anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna talk anymore; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Can call all you want, but there's no one home
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
Call when you want, but there's no one home
And you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone, my telephone, mi-mi-mi, my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
My telephone
Mi-mi-mi, my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
We're sorry; the number you have reached is not in service at this time
Please check the number, or try your call again
If you have ever been somewhere in public with me for more than an hour then you know why I picked this one, as campy as it is. My phone rings, beeps, and dances constantly. Ok, maybe not dances but you get the idea. Add in my aversion to actually talking on the phone and this song makes perfect sense. Sometimes I turn my phone off just to get a few hours peace. For example, my phone went off last night when we went to bed (at 2am). 2AM PEOPLE! So, thats it you get a little glimpse into why if you call and I don't answer.. I probably tuned it out or I might actually be busy doing something besides attending my phone. Sorry..
Music Monday
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Amber jewelry
I have raved about it before and I still just love it. The ones for the boys have been total lifesavers with the teething and K's ear infection a while back. So, I finally signed up with my favorite store, Inspired by Finn, to host a co-op. Here is the deal, use the code below, get 25% off your entire jewelry order and they ship it right to your house. How easy is that??
Code: AC
If you want to know more about the benefits of Baltic Amber click HERE. Then go just start shopping! My only request is that if you order, please post here (so I can get credit for it). If you have any questions you can ask them here too and I'll answer them best I can.
Code: AC
If you want to know more about the benefits of Baltic Amber click HERE. Then go just start shopping! My only request is that if you order, please post here (so I can get credit for it). If you have any questions you can ask them here too and I'll answer them best I can.
My Little Family
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
CNN breastfeeding report
If you have not read it yet, DO. You can read it HERE. It reports on things that the breastfeeding community has known for years. Some how having a major new source has validated it and people are starting to actually listen! The benefits to breastfeeding your baby are astounding and the argument that formula is "just as good" is taking hit after hit here recently. Babies are dying of illnesses that can be lessened or eradicated just be breastfeeding. Especially in premature babies. Granted there are women out there who actually can not breastfeed but those reasons are so few and far between. As women we need to stand together and encourage each other to breastfeed for the health of our babies. We also, however, need our health care system to get behind us as well. I consider this article a call to action! Who is with me??
Too cute to not share.
My little K discovered the doughnut on my plate last night...
Hey Mama, what you got there?
Let me get a closer look..
Oooo... that looks good.
I think I need to touch it.
No? Ok, the plate tastes pretty good.
Life in Pictures
Monday, April 5, 2010
Music Monday
Music is a huge part of Tommy and I's relationship. Its something we bonded over in the beginning and still connect with now. I will be posting the lyrics to a song and what it means to me every Monday (hopefully). At least until I run out of interesting things to say (Or I forget). Make sense? Feel free to do your own but please link back to me and add your site to the MckLinky below!
Love Never Fails By Brandon Heath
Love is not proud
Love does not boast
Love after all
Matters the most
Love does not run
Love does not hide
Love does not keep
Locked inside
Love is the river that flows through
Love never fails you
Love will sustain
Love will provide
Love will not cease
At the end of time
Love will protect
Love always hopes
Love still believes
When you don't
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails you
When my heart won't make a sound
When I can't turn back around
When the sky is falling down
Nothing is greater than this
Greater than this
Love is right here
Love is alive
Love is the way
The truth the life
Love is the river than flows through
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love is the place you will fly to
Love never fails you
This is my K's song. K is my spirited baby. He needs lots of reassurance and snuggles and attention. Way more than his brother ever did. He has been a mama's boy from the very first moment. He has a little crush on his daddy too but when he is tired or stressed he wants mama and mama only. Which of course, if you have been paying attention, you know is perfectly okay with me. More snuggles = awesome. This song to me is about the constant reminder of love and its importance. A mothers love knows no boundaries. It never waivers and it never fails. My love for both my boys
Music Monday
Sunday, April 4, 2010
weekend! On Saturday we had a group party with all my mommy friends and their kids. We had lunch and talked while the kids played their little hearts out. D spent most of his time playing in the inflatable jump house that the mommy hosting the party had set up for the kids. Boy loves to play. I'm not even really sure he ate anything the whole time but he definitely had a blast jumping around. K had fun tasting one of my girlfriends little babies all over his head. His little buddy wasn't so thrilled I think.
We made them all line up so they could get started at the same time and it was a little like the running of the hounds. All those little bodies took off at once and started getting the eggs and putting them in their baskets as fast as they could. They were way too freaking cute. D was super excited since he had already done an egg hunt twice (the egg drop and his preschool party) and he knew what to do. He still refused to carry his basket though. His "thing" is to gather up as many eggs as he can carry at once and take them to his basket rather than put them in one at a time. He was really having a good time hunting eggs but he was also helping other kids out too and it was so stinking adorable. It totally made my heart melt.
After the kids had all gathered up the eggs, we played on the playground for a bit and then D and us wandered back to the food and jumpy house. After a few minutes though D was getting exhausted and K was getting grumpy in his carrier so we decided it was time to head home. They both actually stayed awake all the way home which really surprised me but of course it was nap time as soon as we got home. I laid down too but couldn't actually sleep.
After nap we took D over to his Nana's house so Tommy, K and I could go out on a little date. We ended up at the OG that T used to work at though so it wasn't so much a date as it was just a dinner out because everyone wanted to catch up and talk. Still though, it was nice to be out and actually be able to talk to T. K just sat in his high chair and made buddies with the kid sitting at the next table over. He tends to make friends everywhere he goes. He is such a friendly little man. After dinner we went and picked D up and went home for bedtime. When we got the kids in bed the Easter bunny filled their baskets and then went off to bed.
This morning we woke up and let the boys check out their baskets. D was excited about his chocolate bunny and thought he wanted that for breakfast but I didn't think that was a good idea since he hadn't eaten well the day before. He was surprisingly okay with that. He played with the playdough and stuff for a bit and figured out the Pez dispenser in record time. Hello! Filled with candy! K, well, he wanted to eat the fake grass in the basket. So, we put his up on the counter. Maybe next year.
So, there you have it. Our Easter activities. Way too much fun and now its so bedtime!
Life in Pictures
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Easter Bunny just came by our house!
Hope everyone has a good day! I'll be back with more tomorrow...
Hope everyone has a good day! I'll be back with more tomorrow...
My Little Family
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