Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bring on Spring!

Its finally almost March! We have been doing a lot to get ready for Spring in our house. Lots of cleaning and planning and organizing. The big spring purge so to speak. Trying to get everything in order before the nice weather hits full steam and we are almost never home.

The first step was getting the boys set up for Spring sports. I gave D the option of what he wanted to do this year between soccer, t-ball, or trying something new like martial arts or basketball. He declare that he is too short for basketball but he wanted to try being a martian. Sigh. Once I finally convinced him that martial arts does not, in fact, turn you into an alien that can fly spaceships, he settled for T-ball again. I think that is probably the best compromise  He loved it in the fall and I thing its something he will enjoy again. Soccer was so not his thing.

K on the other hand, picked soccer. Of course that was kind of the only choice I gave him but he was happy with it. Until we got the roster. He was going to be the youngest on his team by almost a full year and I just didn't think that would ever work. One, because he is already short for his age and that could lead to maximum trample-ability. Two, he is also still kind of.. sensitive? I guess that's the nicest way to put it. He doesn't share well and so a team sport like that might not be best after all. So, I pulled him out of soccer and signed him up for T-ball with his brother. He was much more excited about that prospect than soccer so I guess that's a good thing.

The other thing I have been working on has been clearing out some of the clutter. Paper-wise mostly. I still have paperwork from cars I don't even own anymore. Things from appliances that have long been rusting in some dump. Heck, even papers from dogs that died years ago. I guess I am some what of a paper pack-rat. I am one of those that usually holds on to papers was longer than I should. I have copies of my very first tax return. 14 years ago. Its bad, you guys. A purge has been long over due. Now I just have to figure out how to organize the stuff I have left.

I am also working more on myself than I have in a long time. I started therapy to deal with my life's drama and it is teaching me ways to deal with my grief and anxiety so that I can be a better me. Its like a burden has been lifted. To have an objective opinion on all the things I have gone through in the last 8 years and why I feel the need to hold onto the toxic people in my life. Something that I am learning to reverse.

I am also losing weight again. You may remember I lost 30lbs about this time last year but that was where it stopped. While I didn't gain any of that back, I never lost any more either. Life just got in the way. This time though, I have a goal. My half marathon goal. I have to lose the weight and get in shape. Its for serious time and having a goal has made me that much more determined. You can see over there in my side bar that so far, I have lost 22lbs since January. Not bad. Slow and steady. I am officially the weight I was right after D was born. Next milestone: the weight I was before I got pregnant with D.

So, like I said I am getting ready for Spring to hit us full force. I actually have a few exciting things coming up for me personally and for RMM this year starting this Spring so that is something to look forward to as well. The problem is, Spring just doesn't seem to want to spring quite yet.

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