Thursday, November 1, 2012

Here We Go Again! #NaBloPoMo2012

NaBloPoMo November 2012Its time! Its time for National Blog Posting Month! If you aren't savy, and you are a blogger, you should be. Every year, bloggers around the world join in and post at least once a day, every day, in an effort to jump start their brains into mad blogging gear. Its awesome.
I have joined in for NaBloPoMo every year for the last three years that RMM has been alive and kicking. Its always been something that I start out thinking there is no way I will be able to keep it up but somehow always finish. It gives me a goal and I am not one to back down from a goal.

Of course then there is the community aspect of it. Last year, much to my dismay, BlogHer took over NaBloPoMo in what I can only imagine was another attempt to make everyone miserable and uncomfortable as they seem so keen to do. Corprotize everything in blogging land and make a profit? BlogHer says yes please.

Down with the man!

So anyway, with the grand take over, there are many more hoops to jump through in order to officially participate than there used to be but the community is growing and this year is hopefully going to be the biggest ever.

This year, I am doing two "challenges" to help along. The RAK in November Challenge and the Photo Mojo Instagram Challenge. If you want to join in on those, I would love to keep up with you. Just let me know and lets do this thing!

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