Sunday, November 7, 2010

Family Time

It's been a nice weekend. T was off, so we tried to cram a ton of stuff into it, which of course resulted in all of us being totally exhausted.

Saturday, I woke up mostly unable to use my right arm. Something in my shoulder had twisted or popped and I could no longer raise my arm without pretty significant pain. It made things pretty interesting. Especially getting dressed.The pain had mostly subsided by this morning but it still hurts to raise my arm over about shoulder height.

Eventually, we took a trip to Toys R Us to look around and get some ideas for Christmas. Turned out they were having some kind of huge holiday kick off event and it was mad busy but we got out of there with some cool samples, a present for D and lots of great ideas. Turns out the thing I was thinking of getting as D's big present, they had out as a floor sample type thing. He played with it for almost half an hour in the store. Which is almost unheard of for him. Now I just have to figure out how to pay for it.

After a quick lunch, I took the boys home for nap time (which apparently turned into complete hilarity on T, which I found a guilty kind of pleasure in) and then went to Target.

Alone. As in, by myself. Does it make me a bad Mama to admit it was bliss? For an hour I wandered around, touching things I had no intention of buying. Putting them in my cart, only to abandon them later in another area of the store (Sorry Target people). Lots of glass candle holders and fragile looking knick knacks. Things I normally wouldn't bother looking at, much less pushing around in my cart for any length of time.

Eventually though, I got bored and started missing the little monsters. Well, that and the frantic text messages from T informing me of the nap time drama unfolding at the house. So, I went home and we got us all packed up for the next adventure.

Next thing I knew, I was driving my Chrysler minivan through a cotton field in the middle of nowhere, one handed with my family and in laws in the back, on the way to a bonfire for my husband's step sister in law's mother's 50th birthday party. Still with me? Yeah, that was fun. Then a few hours later, I got to do it again.  

We had a good time though. It was bitterly cold but the fire was warm. We went on a hayride too through the fields and looked at the stars. I had forgotten how many there were. Gorgeous.

It was nice seeing T hang out with some of his high school buddies too. He loves to cut up and have a good time and it was nice to see him let loose. He is so shy around people he doesn't know well and so its hard for him to make new friends. Sometimes old friends are just what the doctor ordered though.

Anyway, today we got up and went to a jump house to let the boys play and we ended up all playing until we were exhausted and breathless. Turns out bounce houses are good exercise for adults too.

Then the normal things again: Lunch, nap, dinner. I went out during naps again but the boys played nice and took a good nap and I was rushing around so it wasn't as relaxing as the day before. Got a lot more done and sometimes that is what is important. I'm feeling it now though. Being in constant movement for two days. I'm exhausted. The boys are exhausted. Tommy is exhausted.

Tomorrow though, its back to the same old grind. T goes back to work. I go back to the laundry and cooking and cleaning routine.

This weekend was much needed. A little time to reconnect and find our family groove again. T working so much has taken a toll on his relationship with the boys and with me. Not been a good few months. Hopefully soon things will settle down but first we need to make it through the holidays as a united front. Hopefully this weekend helped secure that front. We will know soon. Thanksgiving is coming up fast. Are you ready?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great family weekend! I love to go shopping by myself. There is something so comforting and relaxing about it. Not having to rush around and worry about little hands pulling things off the shelf. I think it's great for moms to be able to have some alone shopping time!


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