Monday, January 18, 2010

"not me" Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ever spent hours making a meal plan for the week, slaving over grocery lists then spend two hours doing the shopping only to go home and have take out for dinner? Not me. Why waste my precious time doing all that just to spend more money on some nice, hot fried chicken.

We would also never go to Ikea just for the food. Its a thirty minute drive from here! Now, sure they have those awesome meatballs that the big boys scarf down like they are endangered and those cinnamon rolls (omgthecinnamonrolls) but surely I could make them myself at home for cheaper. Especially considering the price of gasoline shot up last weekend because... well, I actually don't know why but it DID.

Oh, an as far as starting a show for my toddler and finding it so mind numbingly obnoxious that I thought I really might run screaming from the house that I turned it off and told him the TV was broken. Nope, not me. Even if he didn't believe me. Its wrong to lie to children to protect your own sanity. Right?


  1. haha...what was the show? I feel that way about Yo Gabba Gabba most of the time :P Calliou is another one that I just can't sit goes off as soon as it comes on :P

  2. It was the new Fresh Beat Band show. Wow. I never knew something could be that mind numbing. Calliou is the same too though. That kids is WHINY!

  3. don't worry, we also NEVER go to Ikea just to eat the food...


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